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From ruins to revival

JULY 16, 2024

The project had two aspects: the interior design for the cafe and restaurant, and the extension of the old building.

The extension part has been fascinating throughout its stages. The project site resembled an archaeological site, requiring us to study its remains. While it would have been ideal to rebuild the structure exactly as it was from the archives, we aimed to push our creative boundaries. Therefore, we avoided extensive research on the building’s historical appearance and instead focused on its ruins and the existing footprint for the new building. This approach was both interesting and challenging.

Another intriguing aspect of building the cafe was replicating details from the old structures around it. This process felt like discovering new details in hidden corners because the building had undergone multiple renovations. The details were so captivating that we wondered how they were achieved at that time with limited drawings and possibly minimal supervision. We believe most of these details were crafted on-site by local artisans skilled in such work.

Now, with the structure of the building almost complete, we genuinely feel we have done justice to Carl Pruscha’s original building from the 1970s. We are now moving on to the interior design phase, which is equally challenging and interesting.

Full project detail :
